Ask Father Mateo

Msg Base:  AREA 5  - ASK FATHER            CIN ECHO   AMDG
  Msg No: 111.  Sat  7-27-91 17:21
    From: Father Mateo
      To: Mike Miller
 Subject: Divorce

Dear Mike,
The Catholic doctrine on marriage and its indissolubility is the same
as always:  a valid marriage once consummated endures until the death
of one of the spouses.
The Church is pastorally aware of the growing number of divorces,
even among Catholics.  For about 15 years, we have had the North
American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics, which is
represented in many dioceses.  In the Louisville diocese, the
spiritual director for divorced Catholics is Father Kenneth Fortener,
1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 805, Louisville, Kentucky, telephone
In most dioceses there are support groups of and for divorced people.
Your diocesan family ministries office can put you in touch with
them.  The director in Louisville is Mrs. Barbara MacDonald at the
above address and telephone.
I promise you my prayers.  I hope you will encounter an understanding
and compassionate priest and others who will make you aware of the
Church's concern for you.
                                   Sincerely in Christ,
                                   Father Mateo