This page was last updated 4 July 1996
The current version of the MKBL Compiler is X-2 ALPHA

To start the MKBL compiler, type mkc. This should bring up the MKC main window:

Main window


File New Clears memory, and starts a new database with no records.
Open Open a MKBL file.
Save Save your database as a MKBL file.
Save As... Rename your database, and save under a new name.
Exit Guess what this one does!
Windows Add Open the ADD window which allows you to add new entries to the database.
Authors Open the Authors list which displays all the authors in the database. You can also add, and modify authors and their aliases.
Journals Open the Journals list. This list does the same for journals as the authors list does for authors.
Help Help Opens Netscape showing this page
About Shows information about the program
Compile Compiles the MKBL file
Copy Copies the information from the selected item on the list over to the Add window.
Delete Deletes an item from the database.

Add Window

Add Adds the form to the database
Clear Clears all the fields
Close Closes the window

Journal and Author Windows

Insert Copies the value from the Name field to the Authors/Journals field in the Add window
Add Adds a new alias to the database
Close Closes the window

This page was created by Kaj Wik Siebert. Please send any comments or suggestions to